International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School

透過多元化之活動,如管弦樂團、室樂團、合唱團、音樂營、大師班、音樂節國內外之演出等,培養學生之群體合作性, 擴闊學生的眼界和視野。
我們著重教導學生主動收集、分析、比對及記憶資訊,培養閱讀的興趣和習慣,建立他們的批判思維和解決問題的能力。在學習技能上,更幫助同學掌握兩文三語,建立良好數學基礎和運用電腦資訊的技能。 我們亦會按學生的程度來教導,以多元化的視聽教學、企劃設計及討論等形式進行,而非特別著重測驗考試,以減輕學生的學習壓力,培養學生主動而愉快的學習。


Curriculum of "Quality"
A Creative and Innovative Curriculum of "Quality"
For the holistic development in spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, communal, and artistic aspects of our students, a lively, collaborative, innovative, and diverse curriculum is designed.
Quality Music Education

The initial development of child’s intelligence, characters, emotions, and interests begins at a tender age, which also applies to one’s musical potentials. Thus, we start our students with methodical music training at a young age. Through the learning of musical instruments, music appreciation, rhythmic, singing, composition and computer music, students are trained and aspired to be imaginative, creative and expressive with a solid musical foundation.

Through participating in various musical activities such as orchestra, chamber orchestra, choir, music camp, master class, music festival, and local and international performances, students’ team spirits are fostered, and their horizons are broadened.

Quality Academic Training

We encourage students to collect, analyze, contrast, and retain information proactively; foster a good reading habit; develop an analytical mind; and build up their problem solving skills. Moreover, it is our goal to see our students to be trilingual and biliterate; build a strong mathematical foundation; and apply their computer and information technology skills. Students are taught according to their abilities, and are assessed formatively through various activities such as audio-visual teaching, project designing, and group discussion, instead of focusing solely on summative assessments. These ease the students’ pressure and encourage them to learn proactively and happily.

In order to develop students’ multi-intelligence, we have established four good learning environments – language learning, music learning, moral and character development, and creative learning. We design our curriculum in “integrated modules”, and set up tutorial sessions for primary students to complete the majority of their assignments in school.

Quality Moral Education

Optimism and emotional stability are fostered through the blissful learning of music education; virtues and values are formed through the learning of biblical truths. Our teachers pursue further training in Christian Education provide our students with an environment of acceptance and love, which is based on our love for them and the love of Christ. Our students can grow to be courageous and friendly citizens who are responsible and willing to serve society and church.

The development of our student’s EQ is also a key focus in moral education of our school and we have established a “Music Relaxation Room” with a music therapist and social worker-in-residence. Our school adopts the “Holistic Counselling Approach” which joins the concerned teachers, parents, social worker, music theraptist, and educational psychiatrist together, to provide appropriate counsel to students psychologically, emotionally and behaviorally.

Quality Facility

The design of our campus is filled with artistry and musicality. Besides the standard facilities of a school, we also have a concert hall that can house 800 people; a chapel with a capacity of 300 people; 44 rooms for instrumental practices; 3 recital halls; and an electronic music studio. ICQM provides children with an optimal learning environment, giving them a superb education and nurturing under the teaching of Biblical Truth and the inspiration of music.

International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
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