International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
「以便以謝」出自撒母耳記上七章十二節, 意思是「 到如今耶和華都幫助我們 」。 以便以謝堂以石為建築之素材, 予人明淨,寜謐和穩固的感覺, 可容納250人。 彩色的玻璃是表達上帝創造之美和祂坐著為王。 兩旁有中世紀之音符和樂器, 表示以便以謝堂是我們敬拜、 親近主、 感謝主、 讚美主的地方。
Ebenezer Chapel  

'Ebenezer' derives from 1 Samuel 7:12, carrying the meaning of 'up till today, the Lord is still our help'. Ebenezer Chapel is constructed with stone as the major element, giving us the feeling of neatness and a sense of tranquility and steadiness. It can accommodate 250 visitors. The colourful stained glasses denote the beauty of God's creation and His glorious throne. Beside them are musical notation and musical instruments of the medieval times, indicating that Ebenezer Chapel is a place in where we worship, get close to God, thank God and glorify God.


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International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
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