International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School

琴藝坊是一處寧靜而舒適的音樂學習中心, 內有三十三間獨立琴室,每間琴室均設有鋼琴, 並具良好的隔音設備, 為孩子們提供優良的樂器學習空間, 而其中四間琴室更設有三角琴, 地方寬敞, 是理想的室內練習室。

琴藝坊的佈置充滿音樂藝術氣息, 走廊有不同時期的音樂風格和作曲家的介紹, 讓孩子們一走進這個地方便有如置身一條音樂時光隧道。

Music Practice Centre 6/F

Music Practice Center is a peaceful and cozy music learning centre. It contains 33 individual practice rooms in total. Each of them is furnished with a piano and refined soundproof facility, providing a quality music learning space for our students. Along the corridor of Music Practice Rooms, we can find the brief introduction of the composers and music styles from different periods, letting the students feel like traveling on a time machine once they step into the centre.

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International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary School
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